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Lee los comentarios, opiniones y reseñas de los candidatos, empleados anteriores y actuales, así como de los clientes de Royal School of Music, escuela de música.
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As the founder and piano teacher of the Royal School of Music, I am thrilled to share my experience with this prestigious educational institution. The Royal School of Music is a place where students can cultivate their love and passion for music through high-quality instruction and engagement in a vibrant and committed community.
As a piano teacher at the Royal School of Music, I have had the privilege of working with students of all ages and skill levels. It is rewarding to see how students progress in their technique and musical understanding, and how they develop greater confidence and self-esteem as they advance in their studies.
What I love most about the Royal School of Music is the dedication of the staff and students to musical excellence. From rigorous instructional programs to exciting musical concerts and events, the Royal School of Music prides itself on providing a comprehensive and unforgettable musical learning experience.
If you are looking for a top-notch music educational institution, look no further than the Royal School of Music. As the founder and piano teacher, I can assure you that you will find a welcoming and enriching community, and a musical education of the highest quality.
As the founder and piano teacher of the Royal School of Music, I am thrilled to share my experience with this prestigious educational institution. The Royal School of Music is a place where students can cultivate their love and passion for music through high-quality instruction and engagement in a vibrant and committed community.
As a piano teacher at the Royal School of Music, I have had the privilege of working with students of all ages and skill levels. It is rewarding to see how students progress in their technique and musical understanding, and how they develop greater confidence and self-esteem as they advance in their studies.
What I love most about the Royal School of Music is the dedication of the staff and students to musical excellence. From rigorous instructional programs to exciting musical concerts and events, the Royal School of Music prides itself on providing a comprehensive and unforgettable musical learning experience.
If you are looking for a top-notch music educational institution, look no further than the Royal School of Music. As the founder and piano teacher, I can assure you that you will find a welcoming and enriching community, and a musical education of the highest quality.
Would you say that Piano is the specialty of this academy or can I get the same results as a drummer? Because if you're a pianist maybe everything is piano oriented.
Hello Williams,
At Royal School Of Music, we offer a diverse range of subjects including piano, singing, guitar, drums, and bass, catering to both children and adults. Our team comprises qualified teachers who specialize in providing convenient home services. Additionally, we offer regular guidance to parents on their children’s educational journey and monitor the progress of all our students, both young and old, on a weekly basis.
Best regards,
La empresa fue calificada por el usuario como: mala
No hay ningún motivo expuesto para hacer esa valoración, cuando el equipo dedica toda su pasión por sus alumnos.
Pues una cosa es la pasión y otra es la calidad. Me estais diciendo que no hay nada que mejorar en la academia?
The best teacher in Málaga, Torremolinos, Benalmadena, Fuengirola, Mijas and Marbella are from Royal School of Music.
me puedes decir como es todo alli? los precios bueno para continuar las clases con frecuencia?
¿Qué medidas toma tu empresa contra el coronavirus? ¿Hay teletrabajo?:
Como profesor de piano es un trabajo estable, bien pagado en un entorno joven y moderno. Sin duda trabajaría para siempre.
¿Te han suspendido el contrato?:
Muy buen ambiente de trabajo
Royal School of Music, escuela de música tiene varios años dedicándose a ofrecer clases, cursos y talleres de música sobre distintos instrumentos. He escuchado que en esta compañía los salarios son bastante buenos y los empleados cuentan con beneficios adicionales como seguro de salud y vida, oportunidad de recibir clases de idiomas y descuentos por comida.
Royal School of Music, escuela de música es una empresa en la que trabajamos buenos profesores con experiencia en el manejo de instrumentos musicales y de registros vocales. El lugar es ideal para la enseñanza. El salario es bueno, el horario es de jornada partida. Buena empresa.
¿Cuál es considerada la mejor escuela de música del mundo?
Los clientes y empleados valoran muy positivamente la empresa y tienen una buena experiencia con ella. Estás de acuerdo con la alta valoración de Royal School of Music, escuela de música o tienes alguna experiencia negativa?
¿El personal que labora en Marbella, en su totalidad habla inglés?
Hay muchos puestos de trabajo en Profesor de piano? Sabeis algo de este tema?